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Friday, October 23: Sun Enters Scorpio and You are Tempted to Dig Deep

Mystic Rectangles

Friday, October 23: Sun Enters Scorpio and You are Tempted to Dig Deep

…but you should be careful regarding what you find.  You might find a surprise, something this is not quite what you expected.  Mars Quincunx Uranus tells of powerful unexpected events on this day.  Still, most of us will not be able to resist pushing the envelope even though Mars Opposite Chiron tells us that we probably should do just that: resist the temptation to overdo it.  If you must push so hard, maybe it should be in the area of a sexual experience with a regular partner, or at least that is what Venus Trine Pluto suggests.

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COTD 16.10.15: Drinky poo time…

Guinevere Fae Tarot

2015-10-12 08.22.20

Today’s COTD is XIV Temperance

WooHoo it’s Friday, roll on cocktail hour.  Mine’s a Margarita 🙂

Life, don’t you find, is a delicate balance of many many different components, just like a recipe.  If one ingredient is too strong and overbearing it can make life harder and a struggle.

So just like when mixing a cocktail, ensure you can find the right mix and balance of everything that you need in life to make you happy in a not too sweet or too sour way.

Love Jennifer x

Illustrations from Morgan-Greer used with permission of U.S. Games Systems Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 ©1979 by U. S. Games Systems.  Further reproductions prohibited.

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Monday Update: Astrology for Week of May 3, 2010


We feel an urgency to get things done, and either authority pushes us or obstructs us.  In either way, conflicts with authority emerge.  This turns out to not be bad for most of us because because a number of factors stabilize us and focus us so that we actually can accomplish things.  Mercury is retrograde, so this is a very good time to launch stalled projects if that can be done.  Financial markets prosper and thrive on the intensity.  Mercury Trine Pluto gets things done and Moon Trine Sun brings a happy air to most events for most people.


Yesterday’s happy mood vanishes as tempers flare.  Problems not resolved on Monday become contentious today.  People become fixed and stubborn in their opinion believing “they are right.”  The immovable object and the irresistible force rear their heads.  Financial markets may lose some ground on this day, but it will be recovered soon, within weeks if not days.  End of the workday finds a brief period of confusion.


Today is a day of mixed signals.  Problems not resolved yesterday show themselves again today.  This could be a difficult day for President Obama as he faces pointed questions from a large number of people on certain issues (this could be the floods in Tennessee).  Creative types find a window today to followup on the works of the past weekend.


Another day similar to both Wednesday and this past weekend.  Focus on producing solutions but do not necessarily expect to implement them to full success.


Find your altruistic side.  Help someone.  If you have not already made peace from the conflicts earlier this week, then do so today.  Really do try to heal things by today, if possible, because next week is the final full week of the Mercury Retrograde.  That means that you must launch any stalled projects then or they will probably stay stalled until late August.  So, make amends now so that you can get things going then.

Weekend of Friday April 30, 2010: Creative Windows Open

At first blush, Friday looks to be a bit of a dull day characterized by misunderstandings.  To be sure, some of that will occur.  But for any astrologer, an absence of conventional aspects should be a red flag to look at / for higher order harmonics.  Friday has them.  And this is a great time for creative problem solving.  In fact, this entire weekend is great for problem solving and creativity.

Well, we are talking about windows of time where, if you will let your mind intentionally daydream, you can write down solutions to problems you may not have been able to solve.  Artists, poets, and musicians can do their best at this time.  The window is slight, so you should start your work ahead of time, maybe at 9am.

Do not be surprised if you find yourself with a compelling idea that you must put into action.

But what if I am a Leo?  A Scorpio? A Gemini?

Well, different signs will get different results, but this period provides creativity for most people, variations fitting your sign and personality.  That is the point of this period: it tend to bring the gift to us all.

Here are the times of maximum creativity for this weekend:

Solar Fire Gold  Apr 30 2010

Electional Search Results
Criteria:  FIND  (Chart contains Quintile Kite)
Search From: Apr 29 2010  0:01 am
Search To:   May 2 2010  11:59 pm
Status:      Finished – 7 matches
Enters   Apr 30 2010 5:56:39 pm (CDT +5:00)
Leaves Apr 30 2010 6:09:31 pm (CDT +5:00)
Enters   May 1 2010 4:25:37 pm (CDT +5:00)
Leaves May 1 2010 4:34:28 pm (CDT +5:00)
Enters   May 1 2010 10:29:29 pm (CDT +5:00)
Leaves May 1 2010 10:37:34 pm (CDT +5:00)
Enters   May 2 2010 0:52:34 am (CDT +5:00)
Leaves May 2 2010 1:00:35 am (CDT +5:00)
Enters   May 2 2010 5:48:48 am (CDT +5:00)
Leaves May 2 2010 5:58:40 am (CDT +5:00)
Enters   May 2 2010 4:22:07 pm (CDT +5:00)
Leaves May 2 2010 4:35:31 pm (CDT +5:00)
Enters   May 2 2010 10:27:03 pm (CDT +5:00)
Leaves May 2 2010 10:36:21 pm (CDT +5:00)

So, if nothing else get your digital pictures of things that you think might be ordinary but in fact are not.

You might surprise yourself with your ability to see the extraordinary within the ordinary this weekend.

Full Moon Update: April 28, 2010

If you are reading this on April 28, 2010, then you know that today is the day of the Full Moon, just past full and now waning as of this writing.  This energy is likely to carry into Thursday and Friday as well.

Today’s full moon has several interesting patterns, as detailed here on Grand Trines.  Most importantly, we face decisions.  Here is a sign by sign quick analysis.

Aries:  This is a hard day for you because you will want to get in the middle of the fray and get involved.  Pretend that you are a Scorpio.  Even though you are the flamboyant General Patton (a very unusual Scorpio), when the battle is heated you are a strategist operating from behind the lines.  A Capricorn really makes you think, and you are not sure if they are friend or foe.

Taurus:  Some days are your day, and some days are not.  Partnerships are crucial interests at this point, and you must be certain of loyalty.  Deception is possible, and everybody better run if you are betrayed.  Double check every aspect of everything, especially “fine print.”  Today is a great day to find hidden or lost objects.

Gemini: Venus should make things good for you, but she is part of that Yod forcing you to make a decision.  Do you want to “have your cake and eat it too”?  Or are you prudently stepping back and wisely deciding how to balance opposing forces in work and play?

Cancer:  (Read Aries, Scorpio, and Capricorn).  You can really related to both Scorpios and Capricorns today.  You are probably faced with an investment decision, and you need to be very careful to not become too exuberant.  You sense correctly that investment in your traditional areas (oil & gas, most industries involving fluids of some kind) is probably a good idea, but you are tempted by the big risk / big return offers.  It’s up to you, but you do have to live with yourself in the morning.

Leo:  Mars will not leave you alone, and the T-Square that it forms with the current Full Moon means that you are angry, getting things done, or both.  This is a great time for athletic activities if you are careful to not get injured.  Harness this energy.  Paradoxically, you do not look like a major player here, yet you may actually get more accomplished than anyone else today.  Focus.

Virgo: To be sure, it is all about Saturn for you here.  You will either function as an authority figure or have a confrontation with authority.  Both are possible with the Mars/Saturn midpoint in your sign.  If you are the authority today, try not to be the petty bureaucratic clerk that everyone hates.  Powerful forces are afoot, and they may find a way to obtain retribution against you later.  Do your job, nothing more, nothing less.  Neutrality is crucial; with optimal neutrality you will be viewed favorably.

Libra: Read Aries.  If you were born in September, read Virgo, above.  You may be a Libra, but if you were born in September you need to show neutrality today.  If you were born in October, this is more about the Gemini issues of balancing opposing forces.  Libra is good at balancing opposing forces, and some Libras can use this in a way favorable to finances today.  Ask a Cancerian friend what stocks they like, and why.

Scorpio: Read Taurus.  I know, I know, Scorpios want their own forecast more than anyone else except maybe a Leo or Aries.  But, you are inextricably bound to Taurus whether or not you realize it.  To turn scary things into Halloween fun, you must have pretty spring days (Taurus) to know how scary Fall can be.  So it is with much of your power.  And, today, you do have your power.  Some of you will likely feel emotional, but this is the Scorpio lifelong drama: how to deal with these sometimes awkward emotions.  It is hard to beat a baby seal to death if you feel sorry for it and care for it, and some of you feel like your situation is just about that bad.  It isn’t.  You may have the most power of anyone.  Pick the other fixed signs as allies, Taurus to check and double check all details (especially checking with any Virgo in a position of power), Leo to identify actionable things and make them happen, and Aquarius to be the smooth talker that works out ruffled feathers.  You’ll be an unbeatable team.

Sadge:  Pick Aries, Gemini, and Leo as allies.  A Scorpio can powerfully undercut you today; make certain they are your friend.  Like September Libra and late Virgo, November Sadge may have to present as a neutral authority.  This can be tough today.  You may find yourself having to re-do a major project.

Capricorn:  You are another star player.  You will want Virgo, Cancer, and Scorpio as your allies.  A smart Scorpio has already hooked up with the determined and now detail focused Taurus and that Leo who is determined to get things done.  You’ll be comfortable with the Taurus, but you might have some friction with the Leo.  You will have a great deal letting go of your control dramas and letting the Leo do what they can.  Whether or not you have a favorable outcome will depend on that key issue.

Aquarius:  Everyone else is frantic, but you know how to schmooze.  Underneath, you are a bit frantic, too.  You know how to smooth things over better than anyone else except maybe Pisces.  But, generally, you are the best today.  Virgo is a problem, so you need someone else, either a Leo or Taurus, to blast past them if your efforts do not work.  Talk to the Scorpio and find a way to make an alliance with them as well as the Leo and Taurus.  Get out of the way of the Leo and Taurus and let them do what they do best.

Pisces: Hook up with Scorpio and Cancer, your natural allies, and let them carry you.  You have Jupiter the great amplifier with you all year.  More than any other sign, whatever you put out today is what you get back, and you may be getting it back until the Winter of 2012.  You do not have to be rash, unlike Leo who must take action today, so let others do the work or at least guide you in your own work.  As you already know, this is your year to travel, if you can.

If you are given a choice between a short trip and a long trip, opt for the long trip.  It may be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Monday Forecast: Week of April 26, 2010

The obvious big event is Wednesday’s Full Moon, which is most fully expressed Tuesday evening in the U.S.  For more on the Full Moon, see below.


Monday is characterized by frustration.  They day seems ordinary, except that nothing has been ordinary.  The “normal” day lately has included either an earthquake, volcano, explosion, tornado, or some other disaster we have not yet thought about.  What’s next?  Who can say?

But, exclusive of the recently routine disasters, Monday will seem mostly frustrating.

Aries: A good day to perhaps watch rather than lead.

Taurus: Sounds like everyone understands, but they don’t.  Watch for Miscommunications.

Gemini: You should lay low until your birthday.  Your day is coming, but not yet.

Cancer: People irritate you.  Taurus is your best ally at the moment.

Leo: Mars still plagues you.  Watch your temper.  Read Aries, above.

Virgo: You have a potential for some advantage under these circumstances, but do not push it too far.

Libra: Yuck.  Read Taurus.  Wait til Friday if you can.

Scorpio: Wednesday is your Day; expect to benefit from opposition.  Wait til then.

Sadge: Wait til Friday.  Make friends with Libra but do not get sucked into Monday’s micro-drama.

Cap: Read Cancer.  Read Aries, too.

Aquarius: Do *NOT* give in to your temptation to “help” someone.  You’ll become the victim.  Wait til Friday.

Pisces: Similar to Scorpio; ally yourself with Scorpio on Wednesday.  Lay low the rest of the week.

Full Moon of April 28, 2010

This is an early Taurus / Scorpio Full Moon that mostly affects those born on or near this date or on or near Halloween. To be sure, it aligns with the Saturn in Scorpio / Pluto in Capricorn alignment of the Focused Yod of the 2012 Winter’s Solstice (8 Scorpio). So, things happening here will probably tie to this date.  Here is a clickable chart of the Full Moon:

A note: anybody with a planet, especially Sun, Moon, or Ascendant, at 8 degrees of anything will tend to be affected by this full moon. Not sure? Get a natal chart for free from Astrolabe.

Fixed signs are most affected: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Leo / Aquarius finds this to be an annoying time but also a time to ‘get things done.”

Capricorn has Pluto for the next twenty years or so, so Capricorns are wrestling with the many faces of Pluto (Death, Taxes, “other people’s money,” Wills & Inheritances, oil and wells, mines and underground things, poisons, chemistry, drugs (legal and illegal), intelligence agencies, spies, assassins, and many things “black”.  However, Pluto probably does not apply to “Black” in the racial sense.)   So, Caps, you find this full moon particularly “activates” you. This is a good time to conduct an audit but a very bad time to be audited.

Cancerians pick up some flavor of this as well, but the energy is not quite as hard on them. If you work from home, and pad your expense account, then you may be caught. If you work from home, and research for others, then this could be a very good time for you.

Libra and Aries find this to be a very financially focused time. The Mercury Retrograde is “enhanced, and “things” are misplaced (or possibly Found!). Make this work for you by being meticulous. Double check your work, and you may find something very important.

Virgo and Pisces can benefit from the drama that will surround this full moon, but Gemini / Sadge should wait until Friday. Virgo / Pisces will see others present opportunity here: money could be made. Gemini and Sadge is best advised to wait this one out. And, again, if you are Gemini then wait until your birthday to make any major shifts.

Thursday and Friday

These days look much like Monday. Fire signs get some relief. Aries / Libra, Leo / Aquarius, and Gemini / Sadge get a breather on Friday (but not Thursday).

Thursday makes everybody look at their diet, budget, and physical and fiscal waist. Financial markets could see reversal on Thursday and/or Friday. This tends to be be a seller’s market. Water signs see potential career advancement roughly 10am CDT on Thursday. Generally, water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are strongest on Thursday.

And, the rest is the subject of another blog entry.

Weekend Forecast for April 24, 2010

For our first forecast, we will “steal” from our sibling blog, Grand Trines:

Getting Things Done

Venus also trines Saturn, and that makes us capable of getting something done.  At least some people, particularly women, will be wanting to lose weight (for the Summer?).  If you think this is the time to start, you are right.  Usually, starting a diet right after a Full Moon is best (Thursday), but you should start today (Saturday/Sunday).  The effect could be a powerful and lifelong change.

Cougars and DOM’s (Dirty Old Man)

Also, some “odd” romances could form at this time.  Traditionally, this is May/December.  In disagreement with the mood of our times, I think that older women (“cougars”) dating younger men is perfectly fine.  So is the other way around.  That anyone is actually offended by this shows we probably are not so liberated as many claim.

If you are a young person, you might want to ignore your friends this time.  You might find the love of your life, or at least one of the hottest romances that you will ever have.  This is THE time to ignore your friends and take a gamble on that older woman or older man.  They have a surprise waiting for you….

GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender) relationships will blossom or flourish this weekend.  Of course, if this applies to you, this may not be as true if you are predominantly fire or air signs, and the same is true for your partner.  But, GENERALLY, this is true.

Saturn Opposite Uranus

Saturn Opposes Uranus Monday.  Typically nothing happens.  Or, so we think.  Actually, since Saturn has a 28 year orbit and Uranus has an 84 year orbit.  What that really means is that LAST YEAR and NEXT YEAR are like the “evening of the Full Moon.”  Basically, the Crash of 2009 is tied to this, and we are not out of the woods yet.  But, the actual culmination is Monday.   We will continue to feel this energy at least through the end of the summer.

Full Moon April 28

The Full Moon will be the morning of April 28th for most of North America.  To be sure, we will write more about this in the next day or two, but the major coloring is what we have described above. Some of the babies born nine months from now will be very, very interesting people, particularly the ones from Cougars and DOM’s, who will accomplish much from the Grand Earth Trine in their conception chart.

This weekend the Moon is in Virgo (and then Libra).  In Virgo, we are either prudes or extra kinky.  If you find that the “date” this weekend is that of a “prude,” then try again on both Tuesday and Wednesday nights.  ONE of those is sure to be a SuperHeater!

Here is a bonus for you Hobbies That Could Make Money for Your Zodiac Sign.