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Weekend Forecast for April 24, 2010

For our first forecast, we will “steal” from our sibling blog, Grand Trines:

Getting Things Done

Venus also trines Saturn, and that makes us capable of getting something done.  At least some people, particularly women, will be wanting to lose weight (for the Summer?).  If you think this is the time to start, you are right.  Usually, starting a diet right after a Full Moon is best (Thursday), but you should start today (Saturday/Sunday).  The effect could be a powerful and lifelong change.

Cougars and DOM’s (Dirty Old Man)

Also, some “odd” romances could form at this time.  Traditionally, this is May/December.  In disagreement with the mood of our times, I think that older women (“cougars”) dating younger men is perfectly fine.  So is the other way around.  That anyone is actually offended by this shows we probably are not so liberated as many claim.

If you are a young person, you might want to ignore your friends this time.  You might find the love of your life, or at least one of the hottest romances that you will ever have.  This is THE time to ignore your friends and take a gamble on that older woman or older man.  They have a surprise waiting for you….

GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender) relationships will blossom or flourish this weekend.  Of course, if this applies to you, this may not be as true if you are predominantly fire or air signs, and the same is true for your partner.  But, GENERALLY, this is true.

Saturn Opposite Uranus

Saturn Opposes Uranus Monday.  Typically nothing happens.  Or, so we think.  Actually, since Saturn has a 28 year orbit and Uranus has an 84 year orbit.  What that really means is that LAST YEAR and NEXT YEAR are like the “evening of the Full Moon.”  Basically, the Crash of 2009 is tied to this, and we are not out of the woods yet.  But, the actual culmination is Monday.   We will continue to feel this energy at least through the end of the summer.

Full Moon April 28

The Full Moon will be the morning of April 28th for most of North America.  To be sure, we will write more about this in the next day or two, but the major coloring is what we have described above. Some of the babies born nine months from now will be very, very interesting people, particularly the ones from Cougars and DOM’s, who will accomplish much from the Grand Earth Trine in their conception chart.

This weekend the Moon is in Virgo (and then Libra).  In Virgo, we are either prudes or extra kinky.  If you find that the “date” this weekend is that of a “prude,” then try again on both Tuesday and Wednesday nights.  ONE of those is sure to be a SuperHeater!

Here is a bonus for you Hobbies That Could Make Money for Your Zodiac Sign.