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The Witch is (Visting) In

Simply Kelly

Boy do I have a bad case of the Mondays this afternoon. Class is in a couple hours and instead of doing my readings I can’t help but to look through pictures and videos from this past weekend’s road trip – Massachusetts (primarily Boston and Salem).


So last week I mentioned to my boyfriend how much I would love to be in Salem during the Halloween season (#5 on my 2015 Bucket List). Lucky my boyfriend is as spontaneous and I because by Friday morning we were on our way to do just that and so much more. I live an hour train ride from New York City and Philadelphia. Boston though was a whole new exploration for us and city to conquer. Don’t get me wrong I am more of a beach going kind of girl, but Boston’s beauty captivated my attention. We spent that afternoon upon arriving…

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Monday Update: Astrology for Week of May 3, 2010


We feel an urgency to get things done, and either authority pushes us or obstructs us.  In either way, conflicts with authority emerge.  This turns out to not be bad for most of us because because a number of factors stabilize us and focus us so that we actually can accomplish things.  Mercury is retrograde, so this is a very good time to launch stalled projects if that can be done.  Financial markets prosper and thrive on the intensity.  Mercury Trine Pluto gets things done and Moon Trine Sun brings a happy air to most events for most people.


Yesterday’s happy mood vanishes as tempers flare.  Problems not resolved on Monday become contentious today.  People become fixed and stubborn in their opinion believing “they are right.”  The immovable object and the irresistible force rear their heads.  Financial markets may lose some ground on this day, but it will be recovered soon, within weeks if not days.  End of the workday finds a brief period of confusion.


Today is a day of mixed signals.  Problems not resolved yesterday show themselves again today.  This could be a difficult day for President Obama as he faces pointed questions from a large number of people on certain issues (this could be the floods in Tennessee).  Creative types find a window today to followup on the works of the past weekend.


Another day similar to both Wednesday and this past weekend.  Focus on producing solutions but do not necessarily expect to implement them to full success.


Find your altruistic side.  Help someone.  If you have not already made peace from the conflicts earlier this week, then do so today.  Really do try to heal things by today, if possible, because next week is the final full week of the Mercury Retrograde.  That means that you must launch any stalled projects then or they will probably stay stalled until late August.  So, make amends now so that you can get things going then.